Health Services

Nurses Page

    • Do Not Send Medication (Prescription or Over-the-Counter) to school with your child. No Medication will be given unless the following conditions are met:
      • A physician's prescription is on file in the health office stating: Medication name, dosage, time, student's name, and grade.
      • Written parent/guardian permission is required. Use this form to authorize.
      • No medication, prescription, or over the counter will be given without a doctor's order and parent/guardian permission
      • No medication is to be sent with a student. A parent or guardian must bring in the medication, and it should be in an original labeled container unless the student is self-directed.
      • Unauthorized medications are not allowed in the building
      • Medication forms must be renewed each school year. All medications must be picked up by a parent/guardian at the end of the year or they will be disposed of.
    • Emergency/Health Updates: Please fill out this form and return to school. New York State law requires that we have this signed by a parent/guardian.
    • Immunization: All students with a birth date after 1/1/94 must be immunized against varicella (chicken pox). As of September I, 2007 students entering grade 6 must have a Tdap booster per New York State Law.

      Without proof of the proper mandated vaccinations, your student will be excluded from school. Please submit a copy of the immunizations to the health office.
    • Physical Exams: New York State mandates grades UPK, K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, and all new students to have physicals. They can be done by the school physician or your own physician. If your physician will be doing the exam, please provide the health office with a copy immediately. If the health office does not receive a copy of the exam, the physical will be performed here by the school physician. Click here to view physical form.
    • Dental Exams: As of September 1, 2008 students enrolling in pre-K, Kindergarten & first grade are recommended to present a dental health certificate which must contain a comprehensive dental exam.
    • Absence: When your child is absent, please call the Main Office to report the illness.
    • First Aid: The nurse will administer first aid to all students in compliance with the school physician's orders.
    • Insurance: Port Byron Central School District no longer carries accident/injury insurance.

    Port Byron Central School District Athletics Department now uses FamilyID, an online program in which families can register their children to participate in Port Byron athletic programs. 

    Planning to try out for a sport? All students planning to try out for a sport must submit a copy of their current physical and sign up on Family ID prior to tryouts.

    If you are having trouble accessing the PDFs, please contact the Health Office at (315) 776-5728.


  • Hillary Feocco
    School Nurse, grades UPK-6
    A.A. Gates Elementary
    Phone: (315) 776-5728 x1322
    Fax: (315) 776-6110

    Jennifer Stoddard
    School Nurse, grades 7-12
    Dana L. West Jr./Sr. High School
    Phone: (315) 776-5728 x1321
    Fax: (315) 776-6110